UK's Leading Football Kit Supplier direct to clubs.
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Since our doors opened in 1977, all Pendle products have been designed in house and then manufactured to our tight specifications by only the most trusted and long-established factories. By not using a middle man, the price to clubs is typically 40% less than comparable quality RRP’s advertised by other retailers.
Pendle products are all designed to industry leading quality standards, fully tested by industry specialists and overseen by Pendle, allowing us to have complete control on all the quality testing procedures. As a football kit supplier, we design, we test it, we pass it!
Our direct relationship with the factories enables us to arrange and oversee delivery of all products to our headquarters in Ilkley, meaning that we are rarely out of stock of any one of our 3000+ product lines. We also carry huge stocks to ensure that our normal lead time for all printed garments is always only 2 working days. That's the fastest lead time of any other football kit supplier in the UK! View delivery information.
Pendle are incredibly proud to have been awarded ISO 9001 certification for quality management systems attributed to the design, customisation and supply of printed football garments. When you place your order using our online kit builder, all customisation is done in house ensuring thorough quality control, outstanding quality standards, and unrivaled lead times.
The huge stocks that we carry and the in house customisation service allows all printed garments to be despatched in only 2 working days and then delivered direct to your door 24 hrs later! We customise it, we check it, we despatch it.
Pendle are the only football kit supplier selling our products. Remember we design, test, stock, customise and despatch every product , so if you’re unlucky enough to have a problem, then you only need to speak to us and we’ll guarantee a speedy solution to any problem.
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The Pendle Story
Steve Hall – Managing Director: “My father, Phil Hall, started a football team, Charterac FC in the early 1970’s. Time was limited and he found buying a team kit difficult, slow and expensive. There must be a better way! It was therefore in 1977 that the Pendle idea was officially born supplying clubs direct enabling them to receive the best possible quality, delivery & price!
Our home quickly became our warehouse and office! As Phil’s son, I remember not being able to open a cupboard at home or veer recklessly up to the loft without the fear of being hit by a mass of falling football kits. The first team kit ever sold was actually cut and sewn by Phil himself and delivered on a motorway layby. How things have changed!
In those early years , my mum, Mary, managed the business, putting in substantial hours to get the business off the ground, while Phil juggled with his day job. Additional family members, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends and many of the local community were employed by the business and continue to be so, only adding to the family and community feel.
From humble beginnings, the business grew steadily without external finance or shareholders. 15 years ago, all customisation was brought in house, allowing for outstanding quality control and the fastest turnaround times for printed team kits in the UK, only 48hrs.
In more recent times, we are immensely proud to be the only football kit supplier direct to clubs awarded ISO 9001 certification for quality management systems attributed to the design, customisation & supply of football kits.
Phil’s dream was to become the major football kit supplier direct to grassroots clubs in the UK. With hard work, determination, passion and with the help of all those around him, his dream is now a reality. However, we will not rest and we can always improve. Pendle Sportswear will continue to strive forward, offering our services to grassroots football clubs for many years and generations to come.”